Eco Cars

"We live on earth as if we had another to go to" (Terry Swearingen).
11 Jan 2019
"We live on earth as if we had another to go to" (Terry Swearingen).

The American environmental activist and winner of the Goldman Prize (the Nobel Prize for the Environment) is the author of this quote, which today makes more sense than ever. Pollution is a real problem in Spain as well as around the world.

Since its beginning, Ferrimax is aware of the environment and sustainability. Therefore the entire production cycle of Ferrimax, from the choice of raw material to the final packaging, is strictly respectful of the protection of the environment.

Every step we take in the company is respectful of the environment. That is why we have started to renovate our vehicle fleet of acquiring cars powered by Compressed Natural Gas. With this change, we contribute to the reduction of polluting emissions.

We have taken advantage of this renovation to vinyl our cars with a new, more current and dynamic design, following the new corporate image of Ferrimax.